
The use of massage

Petrissage, the second Swedish stroke, consists of kneading or compressing the tissue, and has numerous benefits, including increasing local circulation and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the muscle, as well as softening adhesions and decreasing overall tension massage in ningbo.

Friction strokes involve the use of fingers, palms, or a soft fist in small circular motions, breaking up local adhesions and scar tissue, stimulating local circulation, carrying away toxins and metabolic waste escort ningbo, and hydrating the tissues. The next stroke, vibration, is a fine, tremulous movement, sinking into the tissue. This stimulates nerve activity and sometimes even internal organs, and adds variety to the work.

The final stroke is called tapotement massage ningbo, and utilizes a drumming or patting motion, either with fingertips, with a soft fist, the ulnar side of the hand, cupped hands, or even with a plucking motion. In addition to stimulating the nervous system, tapotement tones muscle and softens tissue, increasing blood flow to the area.
the source: http://www.youngprettygirl.com/ningbo/

