
Technical aspects of massage ningbo

When the average person hears ningbo massage  mentioned, the first images that usually come to his or her mind are of what we would call the Swedish modality: on a table, with oil or lotion for lubrication, professionally draped with a sheet so that only the body part being worked on is exposed, perhaps with a blanket for warmth.

She might envision a 50-minute session filled with long, gliding strokes, soft music playing in the background, and an overall atmosphere of calm and relaxation. All this is true. However, most first-time clients do not know much, if any, of the history or technical aspects of massage ningbo .

The long, gliding strokes most commonly associated with this modality are called effleurage. They give continuity to the session; strokes toward the heart promote blood flow, strokes away from the heart are calming nerve strokes.
the source: http://www.youngprettygirl.com/ningbo/

