
Meridian principle of Foot Massage,Do You Know?

The Meridian Theory is the main theory of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional medicine. Five thousand years ago the Chinese Yellow Emperor records and foot massage suzhou enables health "concept toe, articles. Contemporary science has proved the human meridian is there, its structure is the meridian line, cuticle thin, so low impedance.

Meridian line is very sensitive, very rich in nerve endings and nerve bundles around; massage in suzhou meridian line rich in capillaries and especially dense, metabolic blood flow exuberant, so high infrared radiation; meridians around the mast cells into the chain-like dense arrangement, it is highly luminescent; meridians throughout a very thin connective tissue bundle state channel , this channel having a high vibration sound characteristics.

Meridian line is connected by the hole point of various body parts, a lot of points on our feet when we suzhou massage the foot reflex zones, will stimulate these points, it is the same with the blood circulation and the reflection principle along meridian line line conduction. This conduction like dominoes, and thus play a role to clear the meridians, TCM believes that "pain is unreasonable, not pain, is the truth, so massage foot reflex zone can play the role of the dredge meridians. In summary, when our foot reflex zone massage stimulation, these principles are unified at the same time play a role, rather than independently to maximize its effectiveness, so the foot reflex zone massage will show a very alarming health effects .

